Friday, August 10, 2007

More of our vacation

Aubs and I at Mesa Falls
Cave Falls...this is incredible!
This is just to the right of the cave we were standing in.
We were so glad Grandpa Jay could come up too.
Brandt is teething, can you tell?

Just a few more pictures of our vacation. By the way if you have never been to Mesa Falls and Cave Falls I highly recommend it; they were amazing!


Jeffery Tessem said...

Tiffany and Jason,

Your vacation loos great. We really like seeing all of the pictures, both of the falls looked awesome. Sorry to hear about your van, we know the feeling. We look forward to your family vacation next summer, the one to Durham North Carolina and the coast (hint, hint!!!). Take care, we appreciate this blog, it helps us not feel so far away....
Love you all, The Tessems

Lindsey Ricks Benedict said...

Looks like so much fun!! When we went to Big Bear the Utah/Idaho of Trav came out in full force... he was not impressed at all with Big Bear Mt... he kept calling it a hill and kept saying..."In Utah... In Idaho..." Hopefully someday we live closer and we can just come too!

Jake and Annika said...

What a fun reunion/vacation! Looks like a blast.

Taylor said...

Cute kiddies! We loved the pictures of your camping trip. Our personal favorites, the girls plugging their noses, and Jase looking like a little, Swiss boy with the hat on. We love you guys , take care

simplycreating said...

Wow I haven't seen anything new for a while and then I come back from vacation and you've added a whole new cast to your blog. I enjoyed catching up on your life. I felt so bad we didn't see you in Rexburg, hopefully next time. I can't believe how cute your kids are in their pioneer costumes. We just got back from the cabin too. I love vacation. It looks like you guys had a blast. Thanks for the update. love ya.

i'm erin. said...

holy cow, you guys have been all over the place. I think that looks like soooo much fun, especially seeing the moose! sorry about your car trouble, that seems to happen to us more than we would like too....oh and by the way, I just wanted you to know that I wasn't invited to the family reunion...what is up with that? hahahaha...just kidding...well not really...ok, just kidding...hehehe

Johnson Journal said...

Hey Tiff! It's great to see you! I stalked you down on the internet and am so glad I did! You have a beautiful family! I'll be checking back often. Hope you're doing well, and if you're ever in Missouri, I'd love to see you!!! Love, Bobbi